Episode III... {do you have it}?

Shinare said:
Just cause he was in bad movies doesn't mean he isn't a good actor.

He's listed in 225 movies in the IMDB as an actor.

That's like saying Christopher Walken isn't cool cause he was in Gigli.

Oh, and the cartoon mini-series Xer, not the movie. Forget all about the movie and watch the cartoon, now that's how Star Wars should be.

Shin you very much missed my point on that one. <,<

I am fully aware of Lee's resume, and I know what he has accomplished as an actor. I was referring to him getting taken out and deserving more so to speak (which you said, no?), If youve seen the way he was killed in Howling 2 youd understand...

btw Walken was in Joe Dirt also....and been nominated for more then one Academy award
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Eh Howling didn't do much for me, it was decent but I guess I'm not a werewolf nut. So I never even bothered to see the sequels, not to mention everyone agrees they are horrible. However, yeah I missed your point.
<Please forgive me.>
I loved it. One thing Lucas got very much right was the whole bringing of Palpatine's plan to fruition... I mean, he *created* the Seperatists, created the original blockade in Episode, etc., etc., started the whole ball turning and now we see the ultimate result. Very well done.

... and even the hint that Palpatine or his master may have been responsible for creating Anakin inside his mother... leaves you a lot to ponder/talk about.
Everyone must hold out their arms in frustration and yell with me,

The part where Mace told Anakin, "We agree to let you on the council... but we do not grant you the title of master" and Anakin burst out, "What?!" and then it cut to Sam Jackson looking really pissed off in his chair, I shouted in the theatre, "SAY WHAT AGAIN, MUTHAFUCKA! I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU!" Everybody erupted in laughter, it was grand.
You would get along famously with my significant other Neo, he'd leave me for Sam Jackson :(
Finally watched last night.

High points:

Jar Jar only said 2-3 words in the whole movie.

Hint that the Sith created Anakin.

Order 66: Was not expecting this one. Slick move Palpatine.

Yoda/Palpatine fight. Cool stuff.

Low points:

"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" - Dumb. Darth Vader simply does not do whiny crap like this. Why George? Why?!??!

Palpatine disfigurement: Come on. He looks like Alvin the Chipmunk...

Owen/Berue get Luke - stare off into the sunset for no apparent reason. Would you like extra cheeze with that scene?

Can't say much more without spoilers.
Over all I thought it was good, my biggest thing was the fact that I still don't believe the actor playing vader. It just seems like he is forcing the role too much, same was in episode II, he just doesn't sell it to me. I mean look at Obi Wan, i believe thats Obi Wan, but Anniken just seems to fake to me. Yet I found it enjoyable.
@_@;; I can't wait to see it