Episode III... {do you have it}?


Master of the Martini
3 hours until showtime. ^^
Last edited:
tomorrow at 7!!
My hatred of Lucas is now complete.

He almost redeemed himself with the ending.

well we all knew how it was gonna end, so no room to condemn the ending, but this movie nearly redeemed ol' georgy boy for his almighty P.o.S. ... JAR JAR!
ImAngelix said:
well we all knew how it was gonna end, so no room to condemn the ending, but this movie nearly redeemed ol' georgy boy for his almighty P.o.S. ... JAR JAR!

Actually there is, certain things were great, but I hated how he handled certain scenes...

*well as much of one as can be had with a prequel*

The scene where Darth Vader screams about Padame's death had me laughing, so corny. Among a few other nit-picky things that bothered me about the end.
shin > yea that was totally lame...
It was a good movie, but all those scenes with sexual undertones, our whole section was busting up...but it was good.

"I can feeeeel the force is strong with you mmmmmmm"
gud shit

and the sexual undertones are nothing new in star wars


edit: we're goin in fast and hard
I could rant and rave about the things that pissed me off, but the biggest one to me was how much Lucas ruined General Grievous. He goes from an incredible bad-ass taking out 4 Jedi at once in Clone Wars to a coughing hacking idiot who runs away from everything.

Oh, and Dooku was taken out way to easy... Christopher Lee deserved more then that.
Well it just shows how good Obi wan is, yeah...that must be it...havent you ever noticed that besides obi wan, yoda, anikken, and mace windo, the jedis are really good at dieing?

Just something Ive noticed
general grievous was in clone wars? wha?
Darwen said:
rofl...get yer hands on Howling (2 I believe?).....

Just cause he was in bad movies doesn't mean he isn't a good actor.

He's listed in 225 movies in the IMDB as an actor.

That's like saying Christopher Walken isn't cool cause he was in Gigli.

Oh, and the cartoon mini-series Xer, not the movie. Forget all about the movie and watch the cartoon, now that's how Star Wars should be.
I haven't seen the last star wars yet, but I would have to say that the Clone Wars are lot more entertaining then the last two movies. ya the General in Clone Wars made Darth Maul look like a chump... and Darth M. was bad ass in episode 1... I was cheering him on when he's was bustin' Jedi ass...`he died soo gay.... :shades02: