Emet-selch Is Not That Tragic

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It seems FFXIV team is pushing for players to *'feel the essence of grieve and sadness'* of Hades, that the song Invincible highlights his emotions, (see the new post about the lyrics of the song of Invincible and how it's supposed to make us feel the essence) and while I do get that he's meant to be portrayed in a very tragic way, not unlike **Shadowlord** from *NieR:Gestalt/NieR:RepliCant*. Unfortunately I feel this isn't going to hit as hard as it did to the fanbase in HW or NieR game is because despite us understanding his lack of options and desperation, we as the player were not shown to resonate with Emet-Selch. He was an amazing villain, but I shall ever remember him as the sassy smart guy who lost because somehow 9/14th of a soul is more powerful than a whole soul? Plot armour? Definitely! But the thing is, we were never shown the tragic side to Emet-Selch. Giving us the Amaurot arc just before the final battle isn't going to help much either. I don't know if this is the devs being bad at writing or actually evolving as writers since ARR we had no emotional attachments whatsoever.
But then we have Ardbert and when they show how he's actually a good soul and everything he did, even back in 3.0+ story, once you play 5.0, you see his sacrifices, his pain, his constant repetition of how despite doing as told, everything failed, seemed more effective than Hades. Both though failed to create a scarring level tragedy that tragic villains create. You can't feel sorry for someone just because they say "I've been through shit", you have to let the players *experience* what it's like to be in his own shoes.

But that's my two cents, do you guys feel bad for Emet? I certainly felt bad cause after all these shits, I wanted him to stay, but not as emotional I felt learning about Shadowlord (and I didn't even play the old NieR games lol, just read the lore).

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