Eden Savage Loot

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Hi everyone - this is my first post on the forums

So basically I am here to suggest something with the Eden savage loot. I have been running Eden Savage since its release - only E1S and E2S mind. I clear it every single week and have done for a while to be honest, but I have TERRIBLE rolls (6 - 9 - 1 - 32 - 41) If it was not for the books we get every week for clear I would have no 470 gear. Now I am struggling with my rolls but some lucky people are gearing their 3rd alt class. It is so frustrating

So I would like to possibly suggest 2 possible remedy's

Firstly make it so people who have the gear piece cant roll on that gear piece - now I am almost certain (like 90%) I saw a bard roll on the belt from E1S and had the 470 belt equipped Im also almost certain the same bard rolled for the head piece on E2S and again had the 470 head piece equipped - now in my opinion he didn't NEED these items - I have the 470 belt myself and I have a few other 470 items (i think I have 3 /4 in total) So I press PASS on the items I already have I would rather they go to someone who has not got them

Secondly could you please lower the cost of the 470 items from the vendor, for example the 470 Edengrace Earrings of Fending cost 4 books of resurrection, maybe lower them to 2 books. It would be so much easier, and I think people like me who have extremely bad luck would appreciate this system more than the current one.

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