Dynamis ~ Relic Status & Buying/Selling Currency


Kitteh's Meow

I'm currently seeking Dynamis currency [Katana]:

Stage 1 → Stage 2: Mimizuku (Screenshot)
Complete. (100 Byne Billl x4)

Stage 2 → Stage 3
: Rogetsu
Buying: L. Jadeshell and/or T. Whiteshells (304/1600)

Stage 3 → Stage 4: Yoshimitsu
Idle: M. Silverpiece and/or O. Bronzepiece (250/6100)
Attestation of Legerity: X

Stage 4 → Stage 5
: Kikoku
Idle: 100 Byne Bill and/or 1 Byne Bill (231/10000)
Demoniac Fragment:X

As of 5/14/09:

At the current time, I'm not able to find a Dynamis shell to sponsor or attend directly. For the moment, I'm relying on buying some currency until such time comes that I can get some assistance from an active Dynamis shell.

At current income and market prices, allow me to buy 1~2 100 pieces per week. Please /tell me (Cati or Aangeliceus) in game with your offer. [This will change greatly depending on my time spent in-game.]

This will be the death of me... but it's worth a shot!

Oh, and I accept donations! :p

Thanks for reading.
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Sold some currency (Byne Bills) to buy new currency, includes 200 shells received from Sassafras from Amitlu.

Too bad I can't give you my Atestation of Legerity. I actually believe I got that on one of the first atestation runs DX did.