Dynamis-Beacedine 20 Apr 8PM EST (for clear)

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I'd like to go, since we won Dynamis Windy. Might be a bit late but hopefully on time.
I would like to come.

Lotting on AF2
I'll be along for the ride again!

Gonna see if THF 2AF drops sometime, I'm having bad luck with it.

I just want to see it drop, I'll probably hit the 45 run mark before I actually get a piece in any of the areas.

Realize that this comes on patchday, this may be harder to grab people for than normal.
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No it won't. It *should* be complete hours beforehand. Assuming everyone DLs the update and can get on we'll be fine.
holy shit 38 ppl signed up on forums that's RARE!!!
Be there or be square
and pray SE doesn't mess anything up -.-
they always screw up dynamis runs
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