Duty Roulette Dungeons Need Some Dev Love

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Here's what you currently are selecting from when you queue up for a roulette dungeon:
Expert = 2 dungeons
80 = 4 dungeons
50/60/70 = 42 dungeons
Leveling = 27 dungeons

I'd love for them to redistribute these dungeons out a bit more evenly, so we're not just running the same dungeon every day. It makes the new content become stale quickly, while not giving any love to the older content.

Or even better, how about a roulette tier with 3 featured dungeons each week? Every week we'd revisit select dungeons, and there would be a few new rewards added to spice it up. Maybe even sprinkle in a new random encounter or two (treasure goblin style).

I was thinking of this because I just solo'd an old lv 60 dungeon for "wondrous tails" credit, and it brought back good memories of when the Arboretum was first added. Despite running 50/60/70 roulette multiple times a week, I haven't been in that dungeon for at least a year. It's a shame that so much content is just collecting dust.

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