Does Anybody Else Actually Like The Vishap Fight?

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Everywhere I go, people say that they hate Steps of Faith or aka the Vishap fight. When it comes up in roulettes, half the people leave and the other half complain. I have yet to see one good comment about it. I seem to be the only person who ever says something nice about it when it comes up in roulettes.

It could be because of my over-obsessive love for dragons, but I still light the fight itself. Trying to prevent a huge gigantic dragon from evading Ishgard.

I know that it is not a caster friendly fight but neither is Eden's Promise:Umbra. Anyway, I seem to do well in that fight as SMN. Ruin 2 is my best friend in that fight.

I wish that there was an extreme version of the fight. They could make Vishap stepping on you an insta-kill in extreme.

Is there anybody else that actually likes the Vishap fight?

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