Cyber Sexual Assault Awareness

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I just typed this up explaining Cyber Sexual Assault. I'm just posting this to spread awareness. As a fellowship leader and past FC leader, I think it's important that us as a community police this since it's happening mostly outside the game on many social media sites we use. Just happened to a friend.

Cyber Sexual Assault is as any bit as traumatizing as physical sexual assault with the potentiality of being more severe. Many studies suggest that in some cases, cyber sexual assault can be more psychologically damaging than physical assault. Especially for children and teens. I created this page to 1.) inform people what cyber sexual assault is. 2.) what it can consist of 3.) symptoms of victims.

US Department of Justice defines sexual assault as "any unwanted sexual act, or attempt to obtain a sexual act through coercion, unwanted sexual advances, and sexual traffic or attempt at sex trafficking." In regards to cybersexual violence, cybersexual may be considered "the use of digital tools, in particular social media and any communications technology, for unwanted sexual comments and advances in solicitation of sexual favors , and sexual coercion". This can be done through cyber sexual harassment which is "spreading rumors, sexting without mutual consent, cyber bullying to gain sexual favors, sending damaging messages (photos as well as videos), and impersonation to gain trust". Remember, any behavior that has the intention of damaging a person's reputation, feelings, mental health or self-esteem in attempt to receive sexual favors is on the grounds of sexual assault.

Cyber Sexual Assault can include cyber stalking which is when a known or anonymous harasser threatens the victim through social media (messages, emails, forum posts, etc). This can include cyber mobbing when two or more people jointly harass and threaten the individual. If the harasser is engaging in unwanted or undesired online contact with victim repetitively in pursuit of unwanted sexual comments or acts, this is on the ground of cyber sexual harassment. Group cyber stalking can be not only coordinated by two or more people but can also be classified by one person "egging" on others to continually harass the victim.

Cyber sexual harassment does not just involve cases where the perpetrator is anonymous or "trolling". Many cases involve the perpetrator being known by the victim and unwanted or unwelcome messages that refer to the victim's sexual organs, victim's sex life, sexual objects or references, or proposed sexual scenarios of the victim. Sexual coercion can also be a factor where the perpetrator applies intense pressure on the victim to sexually cooperate in unwanted sexual attention of the perpetrator.

Other types of Cyber Sexual Harassment:
1.) Gender Harassment - involves insulting or unpleasant remarks about the victim's gender. This can be humiliating gender statements, rape threats, and nonconsensual sex comments.
2.) Graphic Gender Harassment - perpetrator sends graphic unsolicited, erotic, and lewd images, videos or audio to victims with the intention of disturbing them.

Red flags to look out for digital sexual abuse trauma:

1.) Being Withdrawn
2.) Sudden changes in behavior
3.) Anxiety
4.) Clinginess
5.) Depression
6.) Aggression
7.) Sleep problems and nightmares
8.) Eating Disorders and changes in diet
9.) Bedwetting
10.) Obsessive Behavior
11.) Drugs and alcohol abuse
12.) Self-harmful thoughts

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