Cure The Disease, Don't Treat The Symptom

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To all of our players, especially those who have newly begun their adventures in FFXIV, I apologize for the present lack of housing.

Improving Data Centers to Allow for Additional Plots

To support the addition of housing plots, all data centers will require additional servers.

We are making preparations to account for the cost of these additional servers, but due to restrictions on shipments from Japan to other countries due to COVID-19, as well as the potential necessity of quarantine upon entry and re-entry to different countries, work to ready the servers is slow-going.
I feel while it is a nice gesture, but i think this perfectly exemplifies why continuing with their current housing system is untenable.
Instead of locking the current housing system in place and then creating a new and better housing method to go forward with, they continue to put bandaids over bandaids and its starting to show that it simply won't continue to work.

There's paths they can go down to build a better housing system (even if some are more painful than others), but they seem content with throwing money at housing to treat a symptom of their real problem (ie. Bad Design).

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