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Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC

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These animal pirates decide that they need more than the letter R (R's not enough. "We need other letters" to help make us tough), so they set off to find the remaining 25. Led by a crocodile captain (with a hook, no less), the band of buccaneers searches far and wide to complete their mission. Some letters are found near items that begin with that letter, e.g., an anchor, gold, or a parrot. Others are in situations that involve the letter in action–Q is questioned, U is underwater. Still others are described, as in the case of the nimble N. Some alphabet books struggle to incorporate X, but as any young pirate knows, X marks the spot on a treasure map.

LMAO Arrrrrg Whats wrong with R's?:tounge-1: Hahaha I want this event ingame and we all get pirate hats and a hook!