CoP Completion


Kitteh's Meow
I'd like to put together a few people to finish up CoP on Cati.

I spoke with Sassafras and it would seem that Elvier needs this too.

I'm presently on Promyvion-Vahzl, completed the first 3 NM's just need the last BC with the three NM's. (Level 50 Cap)

Cati's available jobs

THF 70
PLD 67
NIN 60

I plan on completing everything through CoP 8-4 and completing the Zilart series for the ring and earring.

My main reason for doing this is so that I can get access to limbus and of course all the rings and the earring that come towards the end.

I expect my THF and NIN to be 75 as soon as I can beat Maat (ran out of time the first time).

Evlier has PLD I know, so put your name down, your available jobs and current CoP status. I would prefer people on Vahzl or later at this time, I don't mind going back and helping other people at earlier levels later on.

I'm also planning on switching my main character to Cati as 75 NIN which is another reason for getting CoP and Zilart completed.

If you want to take Acute, he would love to go. He only needs the last part of Sacrarium (he's already been through the doors once and killed the ghost, he just needs to get back through the door for the second CS), then he'll be on Promyvion-Vahzl too.
Der and I are on prom-vahzl also. Not sure of his availability tbh.

As of right now I'm off work on sundays and mondays. Any other day it's a good bet I wont be home till 8:30pm est.

Hi I have PLD 75 and NIN 60. I am on the last BC in Vahzl. TBH sounds like you have plenty of PLD NIN jobs though. That was problem with last static, need lots of DD and mage jobs available and versatility in the static. If you need help let me know :D Would be great to finish with good group but Aang get the best PT you can together and go for it! I will finish someday :)

I read this and it sounded too maybe-ish.. I would love to go if you need me! There that is better :)
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Update: Let me clarify, this isn't a job change post either. My main LS job is WHM on Aa until Cati has atleast 75 NIN and hopefully finished CoP.

Elvier: We'll work something, If I have to burn my BLM to 75 on Cati, I will. Or RDM, We'll make it work. I can make Sass my slave too I'm sure.

As far as Promy-Vahl:

PLD: Good for straight tanking
NIN: I can bring DD and Evasion gear for Kiting and DD
WHM: Sophiel, 'nuff said. (haste, barspells)
BLM: damage, debuff (this could be SMN slot for Astral Flow)
RDM: gravity, debuff,
MNK or WAR: Damage, Flat out.

AA will tag along to raise outside of BC so we don't have to worry as much for
R3's etc.

So far:

Cati (NIN, THF, PLD)
Sophiel (WHM)
Deretic (MNK)
Talfus (WAR, WHM)
Elvier (PLD, NIN)

I'll be out of town until July 9, after I get back -- I'll schedule this. We'll make it happen. Please save up your foods/potions/icarus wings.

Please refer to Sassafras's guide to CoP for details.
It'll be good to see those people with Sea access =). The hardest part about CoP was gathering the people to do ir, not the actual missions themselves, lol.
Aangeliceus said:
I'll be out of town until July 9, after I get back -- I'll schedule this. We'll make it happen. Please save up your foods/potions/icarus wings.
Any chance you'd be able to schedule this sometime Monday (10th)?

Going out of town from the 13th-17th (camping) :o
That may not be possible Talfus, I'll have too much going on when I return to the U.S. --- So, I have no problem waiting until you get back as long as you are dedicated to going. This will give me some time to farm and get some liquid funds for food/potions/meds etc. I have all the gear I need, just need to restock on some consumables.

So, let me know when you get back and we'll go do this... I'll post more details on Monday after I'm unpacked and settled.
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over 50
I'm finished with 5-3 almost if you want to pick me up there :S I'd be interested.
I will be posting today for doing this next week. I'll post the days that I can do it and then you guys can grovel about time and the actual day.

Post is forthcoming.
Just reading through these, and i would love to do any of the Post PM 4-3 missions again. Seems like all i ever get to do now are the Pre Vahzl missions.

Not sure if its just an ultima thing, but if you schedule it i can come.

War and Rng over 50
Apollyonzorz said:
Just reading through these, and i would love to do any of the Post PM 4-3 missions again. Seems like all i ever get to do now are the Pre Vahzl missions.

Not sure if its just an ultima thing, but if you schedule it i can come.

War and Rng over 50

Glad to see you still playing Apo... I'll certainly keep you in mind for assistance. Congrats btw on your test from the 'other' board. Im working on a schedule for next week....