Chapter 6: Echos of Time


'Former - Master Thief'
FC/Active Member
We're just about finishing up Chapter 5 so I thought it'll be a perfect time to start thinking about Chapter 6 and keep pushing for Sea access.

Chapter 6 from what I've read isn't that hard until getting to Mammet 2nd round Omega/Ultima battle.

6-1: From whom the Verse is Sung
Is just basically CS (refer to Sass's guide)

6-2: A Place to Return
More CS and also a battle w/3x NMs in misareaux coast @ the dilapidated gate (I-11) (refer to Sass's guide)

6-3: More Questions then Answeres
More CS' (refer to Sass's guide)

6-4: One to be Feared
Mammets 2nd Round Omega/Ultima battle.

We can get the majority of this Chapter done Friday night, and if we really feel adventurous All of it hahaha... or at least try to.. We'll still need to farm chips for CCB polymers for the Omega/Ultima fight so I see friday as get the bulk of Chapter 6 done... farm and prep for Omega/Ultima battle and possibly to do it Saturday... What do you guys think?
The "optimal" setup for 6-4 to my experience is:


I dunno if you can field that or not, but having slow+elegy on U/O makes this soooo much more doable.
Have your wars go all ACC (had around 60+ acc w/o aggressor) gear and eat meat, hedgehog pie is great.
I still have 2 viking axes and a PCC if anyone needs to borrow.
I think Stel has war lvled to about 60 so he can go as WAR, I can come as NIN... that leaves yaeko which I think only has Rdm and SMN that's able to battle at 60cap. So what would you suggest? SMN/WHM enough to field the WHM slot?
Yes, unfortunately I only have RDM & SMN at the 60cap level. :(
np we'll make it work =)