Chains of Promathia -- Tuesdays


Kitteh's Meow
This is IT! This is what YOU have been waiting for!

I hereby declare Tuesdays, CoP day!

There are a few people in Ultima and a few Ultima friends who are still wokring on CoP. Despite the naysayers about the CoP expansion pack, I for one think it is an excellent challenge and story line. Too many FF11 players are the 'gimmie it now' WoW type players.

The few people that I know of so far in Ultima need to complete CoP, please post here and we'll get started.

Outside of Ultima, I know that Elvier gets priority... Apollyonzorz also agreed to provide firepower for us if we need. It. Also from the Ultima family is Sophiel. Cati is my secondary character that I'm completing CoP for.

At this time, I'd like to here arguments and concerns about Tuesday evenings and why it would or would NOT work for you. I'm posting this in the public space for Ultima members and Ultima friends that are helping out.

In regards to others outside of Ultima. I have no problem for those that have a decent reputation and are truly responsible when it comes to legit gameplay.

If you are irresponsible or unreliable, please don't bother wasting our time.

In regards to BC fights that are limited to 6 party members, I don't mind repeating some of the BC's for people.

Funding Supplies:

For the core group of people, I would like to do some ENM's to drop some high-ticket items to help fund crafting and things such as potions, oils, powders & other consumable items such as food/ammo.

Crafters wishing to donate items or time for crafting would be greatly appreciated.

Where do we start?

I would like to start with Promyvion-Vahzl -- this is where a number of people are at the moment. Personally, I have defeated the first three NM's and just need the BC at the top.

How fast do we go?

As fast as we can. Do to my current work schedule, I'm not available on Thursday or Saturday nights in August. I work full-time Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00PM and then a part-time night job that usually goes two nights a week depending how much IRL cash I want. ;) -- Some work inbetween BC's can be soloed.

How far do we go?

I would like to complete Zilart and CoP -- This means all the up to 8-4 and all the way through the rest of Zilart for the Earring + CoP Rings.

Reference Material:

We will be using Sassafras-kitteh's CoP Guide. Please refer to this for mission/chapter requirement. (Adobe Reader Required)


I will now take comments on this. Please post questions, comments and I will respond to them as I can.


I need to complete it x4

Bootstraps: Airship

Ash: Minotaur

Firesday: Mammets

Catalunya: Promyvion-3
You are officially nuts Ashmus. I'm not sure who will be willing to go back that far. We are on the downhill stretch after P-Vahzl. --- We'll pickup Boots for sure. :)
I can do promies with Cura if ash needs, if not, no worries, I am in no rush to get sea on a second character, but, a r3 from random ufo attacks while trying to solo farm that acursed place would be nice....
I've been leading my social LS with the CoP missions, and have successfully progressed about 12 people from chapter 1 to chapter 4-3. In about a year. :-x

I finally decided to just get it done on my own and help them out when they feel like it. They're just not serious enough about it to get it done at a reasonable pace.

If you have room for me, I'd like to try to get these missions done. I'm on Promy-Vhazl, but have never been in the zone. I hope I have a decent reputation. >.> I think there are a few people who can vouch for me. Tuesday evenings would be perfect for me, but I don't get out of work until 6-7 EST usually.

P.S. I have THF75, BST71 and COR41 available, with NIN, WAR, SAM, and RDM available to sub. I can probably get BST to 75 by the time you hit the uncapped missions.
Pretty sure Acute would do this, all he needs is to get through the door in Sacrarium one last time, then he's on Promyvion-Vahzl. Killed the NM already, just never made it back through the door, and needs the NM key as well as the one that drops from regular Fomor. Not sure if you're willing to take half a step back like that though.
Kalia said:
Pretty sure Acute would do this, all he needs is to get through the door in Sacrarium one last time, then he's on Promyvion-Vahzl. Killed the NM already, just never made it back through the door, and needs the NM key as well as the one that drops from regular Fomor. Not sure if you're willing to take half a step back like that though.

Cati has both keys ironically, not sure how that happened. Anyhow... I don't think that would be much of a problem. Tell Acute to post here and let me know his details.

Nekio, I don't know you at all... however I will keep your name on the list for now until we decide the core group and who we need.

Also, I'm expecting the start time to be about 8:00 PM EST. Pomyvion-Vahzl is relative cake. My primary character will be tagging along as a third wheel to help with raises/cures.

I'm proposing to start this next week.... August 8. I can help Acute on one night except Thursday and Saturday.
im down for the zilart and earrings part ; ; never got my chance at zm17 my internet ran off for 6weeks last time
fyi, 2 people have to have the keys. Same person can't be holding both. If lots of people are helping (doubtful), maybe best to kill Keremet since it's 100%, then have Cati use the non-Keremet key and Acute use the Keremet key. If not enough people are helping that you can kill Keremet, then farm the Fomor key. I can probably help with that too, as either THF or BLM.
Yeah... Kalia, that was the problem... somehow Cati got both keys and we had to go back and get another key since 1 person couldn't hold both keys. I'll have to double-check which keys are on Cati exactly, but that part of CoP is really a no-challenge.

Get Acute to post and we'll go from there.
Nekio, I don't know you at all... however I will keep your name on the list for now until we decide the core group and who we need.

I'm a member of DynamisX and have attended a few "Ultima" events and random NMs. The people who I know are those that joined back in the day when the old social LS that Valg headed broke up: Fayevalentine, Benny, Trewgle, Valgavv, Neodevilbane, Fiko, Joanna, Lostsoul, Byrdman, Moravius, Sargeras, etc.
If you guys need some help, I've completed CoP many times (for me, and then helped several friends). I have WHM75, RDM75, and NIN60 for BCNMs like Airship.

I know Redd helped me alot on CoP, and so did some Ultima members. I may not have best rep. around, but Im still a good player, and kinda bored (of this game) before I enter College, so if you need some help, you can send a tell (or a message since I've got some Ultima members on Flist).
Aa>I'll vouch for Nekio, he's fucking awesome and quite reliable

I'm on PM5-3 only one I've completed is the Moblin BC.

I've got 75NIN and 75BRD

If I can be of any use please let me know in game.
Aa>I'll vouch for Nekio, he's fucking awesome and quite reliable

Wow, Benny... thank you. :eek:

I hope that didn't seem like I was dropping names, lol. I just kind of laughed a bit since some Ultima members and I go waaaaaaay back. Benny helped me get my Magicked Skull if I remember correctly. :tounge-3:
I have Sol on Mammets, would love to join on Tuesday's if I can somehow manage to catch up to you.
Kalia said:
fyi, 2 people have to have the keys. Same person can't be holding both. If lots of people are helping (doubtful), maybe best to kill Keremet since it's 100%, then have Cati use the non-Keremet key and Acute use the Keremet key. If not enough people are helping that you can kill Keremet, then farm the Fomor key. I can probably help with that too, as either THF or BLM.

Stab in the dark...

We killed that NM with 6 peeps no problems, actually i feel they nerfed him lol.
Im on 5-3 and would Love to get with a serious group of people for this. I am financially stable in game and am willing to spend whatever Gil and Time it takes to do this. Onry Problem is that All i have to offer is BST as a Jorb. Keep me in mind!