Can we get the DvsParse Beta screenshots?

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Wikipedia is my god

What you said was true in a sense, though, in that it seems most of these either rely on .NET or else attempt to implement the CLI in some other way. I'm afraid I don't recall how it was compiled in 6.270, but the robots in that class are all coded entirely on a proprietary circuit board so the compiler must have been some low-level thing that sat on that board. Anyways I have a lot to learn about CLI and .NET it seems :) sadly work has been busy lately so I'll have to find the time later;;

Sounds cool. :D What's your job anyway? lol

Nothing so exciting as aelfinn suggested. I work in IT/development for a large division of Colonial Bank. I've learned more about the entire process of obtaining a mortgage than anyone should ever have to know (lol).

I've always tossed around the idea of going into financial/bank related software development. The pay is ridiculous, but it seems boring :(
I've always tossed around the idea of going into financial/bank related software development. The pay is ridiculous, but it seems boring :(

You're correct on at least one count. :) /ambiguous

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