Can we get the DvsParse Beta screenshots?

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Kitteh Paws
I saw you post them before for something to look at. If you've got a chance can you post the current screenshots? I thought that what you had was awesome so far.
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you need to let me test your parser for you, although im not sure if it can handle my incredibly charming beastyness
Lol where did this forum even come from? :eek:

Anyway, I'll post them tonight. The newest ones I have currently uploaded to the server don't show off some of the things I did over the past 2-3 days which I think are really cool. I ran into a huge brick wall doing some stress testing during Dynamis-Jeuno the other day when I found out that my real time monitoring method was a) dropping about 2% of chat lines, and b) using about 60% of CPU for the entire system.

I spoke with StarHawk (Windower dev) through PMs and AIM though, and he gave me some pointers which allowed me to solve these problems though, so I had to re-write my entire chatlog monitoring algotirhm (I did 50% of it yesterday, hoping to finish the other 50% tonight) to take advantage of this, but the net result is that I should never drop lines anymore, and use 1% of CPU at most.

Anyway, I'll post those screenshots tonight.
I spoke with StarHawk (Windower dev) through PMs and AIM though, and he gave me some pointers which allowed me to solve these problems though, so I had to re-write my entire chatlog monitoring algotirhm (I did 50% of it yesterday, hoping to finish the other 50% tonight) to take advantage of this, but the net result is that I should never drop lines anymore, and use 1% of CPU at most.

Anyway, I'll post those screenshots tonight.

Sloppy code or just a better way of doing it?
I don't write sloppy code :) The long and short of it is that he had reverse engineered more of the chat log memory format than I had (some values in an area not connected with the chat log itself that I didn't even know existed), and having the information contained in those values provides more efficient access to the chat log, and also gives you the "history" so that when you miss a line you can get it out of the history.
so someone is creating a new parsar? I think after the last update my the old frontiernet parsar is broken. It be great to have something that worked again.
Supposedly that one is fixed, but yea I've been writing a new one for like 8 months lol. I stopped working on it for about 6 months, but now I'm trying to finish it up for a release.
Haven't you heard? Vista is never going to be released. Oh wait...
This is a screenshot of the main page that people will probably be looking at most of the time. Updates to the parse display happen in real time. The second you do something, you will see it update.

At the bottom you can see Parser Status (New). One feature I will support is allowing you to "Continue" parses. Selecting "Continue Parse" from the File menu will put the parser into Continue mode, which will basically load all of the statistics you saved from a previous parse, and continue adding additional information to it, which you can then save again, and continue again.

A few last points to mention about this screen.
- Notice how the parser distinguishes between critical and non-critical hits. FFXIP does not.
- Note the Counterattacks field. It's currently broken, but only because of a slight bug in the code that collects lines from the chatlog, not because of any parsing problem. It will definitely be in the beta and first release. There are currently no other publicly available parsers that correctly handle counterattacks.

This screen is useful if you want something pretty, or you want to copy/paste into a forum, email, whatever. It's a basic HTML window, you can copy/paste it wherever you want. It does NOT update in real time like the previous window. In addition to displaying all the same fields as those displayed in the previous window, it displays a totals row on the bottom, and a totals column on the right.

This screen is where loot information is displayed. This section is largely unfinished, currently what you see only tracks (number of drops since parse started) / (total number of enemies of all kinds killed since the parse started). Eventually (before the Beta) it will have an HTML view similar to what you see in the previous screenshot, but with a finer breakdown. It will break it down by each enemy and calculate a loot table for each enemy. Again, the parser itself supports "continuing" for all supported calculations, it's no different for item parses, so for example you can make a Dynamis-Jeuno parse, start it every time you go to Dynamis-Jeuno and after a few months have a pretty nice idea about Dynamis drop rates. Etc for other dynamis zones.

Last screenshot I have for showing off is just this raw dump of the chat log. Currently there are no available filters other than "All Messages", and there probably won't be other filters for the Beta (or first release). But, it's there, so you can get an idea of what's to come in a future version.

The "Experience Points" and "Synthesis" items you see on the left are not implemented, and will probably be removed before a release.
Is there a way to give an option to sit ontop of everything else so you wouldn't have to alt tab all the time to look at the parser? :3
This is really amazing. Are you planning to make the source available? I'm terribly interested in it.

Probably not. It's not like it's that hard to disassemble .NET code by using one of the many freely available .NET disassemblers, but at the same time I don't want a ton of clones running around that look and feel exactly the same as this one, since I put a lot of work into it. That being said, it wouldn't be that hard for certain individuals to convince me to give them the source code. I just don't want the world to have it.

I'm 30% FF12'ed and 70% RL'ed right now (the 70% goes away in 2-3 weeks when I'm done moving to the new apt), but after that I'll definitely be back on this full time until a release. There's only a few minor things left to implement really before v1. After that I could probably hook you up with the source. Are you familiar with C# and/or .NET?
I worked with C# briefly during 6.270 but not yet with .NET. I'm sure we have a book or two at work, I'll take a look today. I figure I can pick it up (lol).

Hrmm, how did you work with C# but not .NET? You can have .NET without C#, but you can't (I don't think?) have C# without .NET. Anyway it looks like a combination of java and c++, if you understand either of those you should have no trouble. However, if you want to actually compile it and/or make changes, Visual Studio 2005 is required. Unfortunately, different versions of the .NET framework are tied to different versions of the Visual Studio compiler.
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Hrmm, how did you work with C# but not .NET? You can have .NET without C#, but you can't (I don't think?) have C# without .NET. Anyway it looks like a combination of java and c++, if you understand either of those you should have no trouble. However, if you want to actually compile it and/or make changes, Visual Studio 2005 is required. Unfortunately, different versions of the .NET framework are tied to different versions of the Visual Studio compiler.

That's not true, there are lots of C# compilers. Well, 5 anyway, and at least one or two are freely available (i.e. without stealing). Anyways I'm confident in both my ability to read code of whatever language (with the help of das int0rnet) and "acquire" whatever software is necessary to work with it :).

Nerd vs. Nerd / Kalia 0 - Benny 1

Hrmph, in my (limited) searching I still didn't find a C# compiler that didn't rely on .NET Framework. Even if it's not Visual Studio, if it doesn't generate actual machine code it depends on .NET. Still though, if a C# compiler that generates actual machine code exists, I want it lol. Something like that would be neat.
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