Can I Rant About Being Harassed For A Moment?

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I was running a random dungeon on roulette and out of nowhere the healer was calling me “a waste of time” and refused to heal or revive me because my DPS wasn’t “optimal enough”

WTF? I was doing all the boss mechs correctly - the player was using some PC mod to see my damage output and then insult me over it. Who does this? In a casual roulette dungeon no less. Not like it was in an eden savage or something.

What kind of loser/incel goes out of there way to use a PC mod to monitor how other players perform in a clearly casual environment (dungeon roulette) and then insult them?

Since beating the game I’ve been experimenting with a bunch of different jobs and know my rotations -fairly- well but it’s hard playing perfectly optimal when you have 8 jobs at level 80 and are dodging mechs. I’m not gonna rant about how the xiv player base is toxic like some people do because since playing since last October I’ve only had a handful of interactions like this. But JEEZ. I can’t believe some people are so miserable they do stuff like this. Obviously I reported them with a time stamp but I did throw a couple insults back at the player so let’s see how that will pan out.

If you’re at the point where you’re so miserable playing a game you have to monitor and insult other players, maybe it’s time to take a break and go outside :)

submitted by /u/alecahol
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