Blu: Tips For Obtaining "perfect Blue" And "champion Of The Blue" Titles

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The past threads about this that I've found are too old to post in at this point, so I'm creating a new one with some additional information that I thought might be helpful for anyone who has yet to obtain these titles.

Perfect Blue

The "Perfect Blue" title comes from the achievement "Something Borrowed," which requires you to beat level 25 in the Masked Carnival ("Dirty Rotten Azulmagia") while getting the following bonuses:

Can't Touch This

To get this bonus, you must take 0 damage throughout the entirety (i.e., all 3 acts) of the fight; this includes damage dealt to you by the boss's reflective shields, of which he has 2 types depending on which act you're in:

Ice Spikes. This reflects any physical attacks. Casting magic attacks or unaspected attacks will not hurt you, but casting physical attacks (including Fire Angon, which is a "physical fire" spell) will. I've seen people in various comment sections complaining about the boss's auto-attacks, which he does not have - if you're getting hit when the boss is not casting something, it's because you're stepping in an AOE or taking damage from his shield. If you are close enough to him to do a melee attack (e.g., when you step in to avoid The Dragon's Voice), your character may be auto-attacking him, and so if he has Ice Spikes up, you will hurt yourself; however, it is you attacking him, not him attacking you, so make sure to either no auto-attack or keep your distance. There is no timer on Ice Spikes and it will stay up until the end of the current act or until Azulmagia casts Repelling Spray to replace it.

Repelling Spray. This reflects any magical attacks. When the boss has this shield up, you cannot cast any non-physical spells on him or else it will reflect and do damage to you. This (unintuitively) includes things such as unaspected damage spells (e.g., Devour and Song of Torment) and debuff spells (e.g., Off-guard). If, however, you use Off-guard and Song of Torment on the boss before he gets casts this shield, the ticks from Song of Torment will not hurt you.

It is important to note that using Final Sting or Self Destruct do not count as taking damage, so (as of the date of this post, at least) you can Whistle + Moon Flute + Final Sting the boss as he's casting Meteor in Act 3 and still get this achievement.

Total Mastery

To get this bonus, you must use 1 spell of each of the elemental (water, wind, earth, lightning, fire and ice) and physical (blunt, piercing and slashing) types. You just have to use each spell at some point during any of the 3 phases - if you all of the types during the 1st phase but not the 2nd and 3rd phase, for example, that is sufficient. The key here is to *use* the ability - you don't actually have to hit the boss with it (although that's better because it makes the fight go more quickly). For example, casting Ice Spike would count as using an ice ability even though you're not allowed to get hit, as would using an ability that misses the boss. Obviously use whatever is easiest for you, but just for reference, here's what I used:

Water: Protean Wave

Wind: Sonic Boom

Earth: Surpanakha

Lightning: Shock Strike

Fire: Bomb Toss, Eruption

Ice: The Ram's Voice, Glass Dance

Physical - Slashing: Sharpened Knife

Physical - Piercing: Abyssal Transfixion

Physical - Blunt: J Kick

Too Fast, Too Furious

To get this bonus, you have to clear the fight within the ideal time, which for level 25 is 7 minutes and 15 seconds. This should be plenty enough if you have all of the spells. (When I do this run it usually takes me around 4 minutes or less). It is worth noting that the timer never stops ticking - it's counting down from the second you enter the fight until the moment you kill the boss in Act 3, and this includes the time between acts when the screen goes black. Again, though, this shouldn't be an issue whatsoever.

Champion of the Blue

The "Champion of the Blue" title comes from beating level 30 in the Masked Carnival ("The Catch of the Siegfried") while getting the following bonuses:

Can't Touch This

Same as above, but Siegfried's anti-magic shield (Magitek Field), which has the same effects as Azulmagia's Repelling Spray, lasts for only 30 seconds (as opposed to the entire act, as was the case with Azulmagia). I don't think that Siegfried has an anti-physical shield (at least I did not see one when I did this fight).

Total Mastery

Same as above.

Too Fast, Too Furious

Same as above, but the ideal time for this fight is 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

[Kill all of Siegfried's Clones in Act 3]

You have to leave the boss alive long enough to see each of his 3 clones and kill each of them before they disappear.

1st Clone: Ice. As far as I'm aware, the first clone is always ice aspected. After getting a few spells off on the real Siegfried at the beginning of the fight, I cast Bristle while he started summoning this clone and then use Glass Dance followed by one or two The Ram's Voice casts and this clone would die. You have to be careful when using Glass Dance, however, because the boss will typically have his anti-magic shield up during this phase, so I found it easier to run to the side of the arena opposite from the real Siegfried so that I didn't inadvertently hit him and take damage from his shield.

2nd Clone: Wind. The second clone seemed to always be wind aspected. I cast Bristle into Sonic Boom and continued spamming Sonic Boom, which caused this clone to melt. I did not use Feather Rain here because I wanted to be absolutely sure that Eruption was up for the third clone; I didn't test this, but if there is more than 30 seconds between the spawns, you could use Feather Rain and burn this clone down even more quickly, but I did not have any issues with just Sonic Boom.

3rd Clone: Fire. The third clone seemed to always be fire aspected. This guy casts the really annoying balls of ice from Act 2 (which is the only "hard" part about this fight), so if you can kill him quickly, do so. I generally precast Bristle + Moon Flute and then hit him with Eruption as soon as he spawns, followed by some Bomb Tosses to finish him off. It is important to note that you cannot use Fire Angon (which is "physical fire" damage) on this guy; it will only do 1 damage per hit. Bomb Toss is pure fire damage and can be used from a range, so I personally found it to be the best spell to quickly eliminate this add. If you can kill the boss while your Moon Flute is up, then you're gold. If not, you'll need to be careful because towards the end of your Waning Nocturne he will cast Ankle Graze followed by Hyperdrive; you may need to use Swiftcast to get Exuviation off in time to get out of this if this happens. It is important to note that even if you kill this third clone, if he's started casting his balls of ice, the balls will graphically remain even if you kill him - they will not blow up or hurt you, however. Accordingly, if you kill this clone during this cast, just ignore the ice balls as they will visually stay on the screen regardless of whether this clone is dead and make sure to dodge the real Siegfried's tri-conal attack instead.
submitted by /u/SmokedCurry
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