Blu Qol And Future Additions You Would Like

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BLU is in a good spot as of 5.15 regarding it's endgame and how it plays as a separate piece of content, but there are still a few flaws and areas that can be improved that are growing increasingly apparent as the content gets older.

One of my biggest issues right now is accessibility and obtainability of spells from group content (particularly 8 man) once everyone who wants the spell has it.

I would like see the devs add allied seals to the acquisition of spells (maybe 10 per player who gets the spell, or if thats too much then just 10 if someone gets it) which would be given to every player in the party. This would give incentive to players who already have the spell, or perhaps have no interest in BLU to join BLU spell acquisition parties, much like the way second chance points and first time bonus are designed.

What other QoL changes would people like to see?

FYI, this is not a thread for "BLU should be a full job" posts, please post about the content we have and the content it can do.

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