Blm Leveling Is Brutal...

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I've leveled a several classes to 80 so far (RDM, SAM, PLD, WHM, GNB, DRK), and leveling always felt great - each new skill added to the toolset, but the core was there from the start. Running lower-level content was useful to get a feel for the class and learn the rotations.

I've started BLM, and I'm ready to give up. At 63 now, read and watched several guides, and it's unbearable. The rotation is not that hard, but it is challenging keeping up with everything in the middle of battle. That is fine, it's really part of the fun. However, my DPS output is atrocious. On single target fights, when I do everything right - which is really hard - I barely keep up with the team. When I mess up - e.g., drop Enochian on high movement parts - I end up last below tanks and healers... On large pulls, it's even worse.

Is there a known low-level balance issue with BLM that gets fixed at higher levels? I'm ready to drop out as it is - I feel terrible for the PUGs I'm getting into...

submitted by /u/old_adage
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