

Master of the Martini
Is anyone else running into a brick wall trying to get the update going?

Fart in the wind...
Yes Neo. Had mine running for almost four hours before I got DC'd, now it wont reconnect.

I stand corrected, it DID connect, then froze at 37% Checking status for about an hour. Idano wtf to do.
Yeah neo i'm starting to feel like im in a game of keep away and im the 4 yr old kid:flip-01:
Holy crap, I'm trying for the first time at all since the new update to get on, and I am getting POL-1160'd! At like midnight the day after the damn update O.O.

I'm gonna be uberpissed if I can't make dynamis;_; blehhh

I got in... again... 672/705 files left...... hopefully won't get kicked off... cause that would dwindle my spirits and I can't go to sleep cause is only 9, dads wife is watching TV, friend is borrowing PS2 cord.... got tired of sailor moon episodes and bleach episodes and vampire hunter D movies and princess mononoke movies and cant find some of my angel sancturary mangas, dont wanna play SNES emulater games... X the series is good but I feel compelled to have to watch it all in chronological order(instead of skipping to the action episodes) cause I would then disgrace the elegant story ;X

: 1hour left till update is done for me..... seeing as to how close I am I wonder how fucked over i'll get :

:: Fucking fuck fuck..................... 37 files left and I get fucking "Network Busy" ............ *Slits. Wrists.*
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Getting there too soon Koul -_-

benny said:
Holy crap, I'm trying for the first time at all since the new update to get on, and I am getting POL-1160'd! At like midnight the day after the damn update O.O.

I'm gonna be uberpissed if I can't make dynamis;_; blehhh


I'll start kicking puppies and stomping kittens if everyone can't make Dynamis tommorrow still. jk of course. Someone hosting an ftp with the patch files is starting to look good right about now...:halo:
I got all the files downloaded from SE around 6PM PST~
But I cannot get into the game b/c each time I pass the "Acquire Server Data" part I get a PlayOnline Viewer error that crashes everything. I've already reinstalled the PlayOnline Viewer and updated, but I still recieve the exact same errors ~_~ booooooboooooo
Efini said:
Getting there too soon Koul -_-

I'll start kicking puppies and stomping kittens if everyone can't make Dynamis tommorrow still. jk of course. Someone h... osting an ftp with the patch files is starting to look good right about now...:halo:

I think you arent joking! Efini, you terrible animal abuser.:redwhip::redwhip:

Its 4 in the AM here, my dl has been running smooth. Ill be on by 8AM! Fucking awesome.