Bind On Scrollup: A Brief Introduction To Mousewheel Binding

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Hello! I recently witnessed an archer get clobbered to death by a melee monster and thought, "hey, let's teach some folks about mousewheel binding!"

First off, I must disclaim that I am very new to this game. I'm actually still on a free trial account and have been playing less than two weeks. Anyroad, a long time ago in a place called Goldshire I learned a fancy way of being able to use skills without having to sacrifice my movement. All we have to do is sprout a third arm. Or, if that doesn't work out for us, bind our skills to the mousewheel! This makes it so that while our left hand stays firmly planted on WASD, we can use all our skills with our right hand. For an archer, this means we can kite indefinitely while still administering long-range acupuncture therapy.

How it works: FFXIV doesn't let us bind hotbars to the mousewheel (except for scroll-click aka mousewheel button aka MWB), so we have to first re-bind mousewheel up and down to "-" and "=" or somesuch. Then, bind the hotbar slots to those keys. That opens us up to three attacks (scroll up, scroll down, MWB) which can be used with the right index finger. Make these your most commonly used attacks (I like to put an interrupt on the mousewheel button for emergencies). Now, to expand upon this, we can use modifier keys (alt, shift, ctrl) in conjunction with other keys in our hotbar binds. Apply these to the three mousewheel inputs, and we've got a full hotbar of skills to use without leaving WASD. I like to set my DoTs to alt + "-/=/MWB", utility stuff to shift, and whatever important is left to ctrl. Anything else can go to a more traditional keybind, like, q/e/f/c/1-5, and those can have modifier keys applied as well. If you are blessed with a mouse that has side buttons, you can take this all even further. (I use a Razer Death Adder, if that is at all relevant.) For even more movement-enhancements, make "a" and "d" strafe (we can rotate with the mouse if we need to). Oh, and don't forget to bind mousewheel up and down to your arrow keys or something so you can scroll stuff and zoom when you need. If someone were to really loving zooming the camera in and out, they could try setting it up so that holding ctrl makes the mousewheel function like normal.

Hopefully that's not too convoluted and some of you are able to discover a new way to approach keybinding! It takes a bit of practice, but once you have it down, it's hard to go back to the old ways--epecially for classes that can take full advantage of moving while fighting.

submitted by /u/ThirteenEight
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