Bhaflau Remnants Boss Floor Strat?


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See attached txt doc

Just trying to avoid dam Homing MIssles from hitting everyone. If we can work together to work on something better then what i've come up with then great.

We really need work in this area.

X = BLM Tank Position

Any BLM with boss on them run to Corner and Tank till either you Get Homing Missiled, Lose hate or Dead.

Weakoned People Here

Resting does generate enmity, For peace of mind incase everyone gets hit with Homing Missle it's likely your resting will put you up the top of hate list. Move way back to the door so you don't make the hate list. We got hit with Homing Missle here today -_-

(X) = Spot where BLM Nuke From

Don't stand 2 inches from him when nuking, Try and be at max casting distance. I've avoided Homing Missles Numerous times by nuking and not waiting to see if i took hate by running away. This is one of the reasons today and from previous runs everyone gets hit with it. Key is to not watch and see if Boss starts coming for you but to run regardless. Use your camera to pan around, if Boss is not coming then go back and repeat.

The key to this is "Player is too far away"

V = Ranger Use TP here

Rangers using slug, barrage, whatever rangers do when they have TP should not use it standing around with the BLMS and others. Today the damage from rangers made Boss turn and use Homing Missles more then once and it really hurt us. I suggest if you going to WS to go to the wall where the blm is (but not on top of the BLM) and WS from the side. Least if you draw hate it's you and the blm getting hit not the alliance.

Is it worth giving this a shot or am i just full of it? :\ I really want to see us have some more cleaner fights.


Use your camera to pan around, if Boss is not coming then go back and repeat.

Alternatively, you can have someone spamming a hate macro with /assist. This is what I usually do. Then, nuke and run and if you see someone else's name on the hate macro, go back for more.

Another trick that works wonders is stun. It won't actually work because he's highly resistant to stun after 3 or 4 stuns, however it will generate a ton of enmity. This is an amazing way to get the mob off of a BLM who has shadows down. As long as your filters are configured correctly, you can see when the BLM is about to start getting whacked by counting his shadows. When they're all down, hit stun and almost always LBC will come after you.
We had people spamming the Hate macro.

Boss only has to turn to use Homing Missles and a macro not going to give people enough time to move away. BLm should just run regardless imo if they have hate or not.

Stun was used a lot early in todays fight and when we could of used it we couldn't due to resists. We know he builds a resist to this so it should be saved for later imo.
Sorry i thought you where saying the hate macro should tell you if you had hate or not, i mis-read.

We did some pretty nice timed stuns the run before and stunned homing missles twice. I do beleive Sarah (or maybe i dreamed it) said to try not to use stun so it doesn't get too resistant to it.
Both of you actually bring up some very good ideas, and that diagram is pretty much how I've done things, although I've never written it down like that. I think the RNG positioning is especially important. Due to the WS animation, you frequentliy get locked in place for a couple of seconds and will have zero chance to outrun homing missile (you're probably not outrunning it anyway if you're anywhere near the sweet spot though) so it's important to WS far away from others.

And yes, stun is a really good "ghetto provoke" for saving another BLM, regardless of whether or not it lands. I think people should definitely review this thread before our next Bhaflau boss run.
RNG don't have to be in the spot i used on my diagram. They need to always have it on their mind though that their WS can trigger Homing Missles on them and should only WS in a spot where others aren't around them.
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