Before the EA Launch....


Kitteh's Meow
Glad today is a Saturday!

I'm going to be out most of the day getting a haircut, having lunch with the wife and I have a dentist appointment at 4:30 and the launch is at 6pm. Hopefully will be a short visit!

Have no idea what I'm doing for dinner, but I'm sure my wife will help me out there, lol.

I'm also going shopping for a new headset - probably checking for Turtle Beach based on some feedback I got from Frette.

7 hours 9 minutes to go.
Just have a dentist appointment left....

Picked up this headset only using my store points, paid 0 in cash. First time buying this type of headphone set:

Ok... so about this headset I got.

It's an absolute incredible difference over basic stereo headphones.

In FFXIV, it just makes the game worlds better with the positional audio and true surround sound. Running around in the game, sounds are more clear and crisp and you can tell where something is happening, whether to your rear or sides, you can turn to where the sound is to see what's going on.

I read some bad reviews that this model breaks easily or stops working, so we'll see what happens. So far, I'm very pleased with the sound and comfort.

One annoying point, the cable for the headphone set itself is quite long... hard to manage when you have a cat that wants to chew on it! lol.
I have a Bose but have been shopping around. Might have to look into this.

So far so good! I love playing with these headphones, it further immerses you into the game environment and battles.

As long as your PC has a optical audio port and a free USB port, you should be fine. I just had do some device selection in the Windows control panel, took all of 2imuyes to get it rolling.