Are We Going To Solve Housing Before Or After Ishgard Housing Turns Into A Disaster?

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You have got 3-6 BOTS hanging out outside EVERY (purportedly) available housing tract on the server, it seems, just waiting for the instant they can snap up the plot and sell it for five times the price on the Black Market!

Square-Enix, you must think we are stupid not to see this.

There are a couple simple solutions:

1) Do not advertise the price, in any capacity, of a non-available lot. If the timer is not up for the plot to go on the market, it's still under (for the purposes of discussion) the ownership of the old owner. The price does not list before you can buy it. If the price is there, you can buy it there and then.

2) If we are going to discourage bot play, then, unfortunately, there can be no other way for anyone to find out the timers. I can basically guarantee you that no plot in the game is now on the market more than a second after it's available. If you don't want bot play, you have to figure out a different way to get this done, or you're going to have people be able to make millions of gil with just the right scripts.

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