Am I Doing Scholar Wrong? (shadowbringers Dungeon Question)

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I just hit Shadowbringers content as my SCH and all of a sudden it's a nightmare to heal. I've done the first and second dungeon. Every tank pull is taking spam healing with nearly all cooldowns I have and every stack of Aetherflow to keep the tank alive. Got to the second dungeon and that wasn't sufficient and the tank yelled at me and booted me from the party after we wiped. The tanks are pulling 2-3 groups on average and they are using at least some cooldowns, but I know I'm supposed to also be doing DPS and I just don't have time because every second is every spell at my disposal to keep the tank up including Fairy AoE buffs, Excogitation, Lustrate, Emergency Tactics, etc.

submitted by /u/Geeklat
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