Alchemic Ensorcellment


New Member
Does anyone know any Alchemist that was so gunghoe that actually spent the 40k GP on this Key item?

I'm mean seriously 40k GP and there are exactly 6 synths that it can be used for only 4 of which are unique items o.O wtf is the deal with that.
I think it's the only thing i'm missing, plan to get it but that was 1 year ago and still planing to get it for completions sake >_>
I got it when it first came out. Alchemy GP was so easy to get I didn't really pay attention to whether it was worth a damn or not, I just got it to say I had it. It's essentially worthless but hey, if anyone ever needs Melt or Hushed weapons, or enchanted Enfire weapons, or a Kinkobo, send them my way >.>

Edit: The stupid thing about enchanted gear, and I really think SE should look in to changing this, is that there's no way to either recharge them, or desynth them back into the original piece of gear. If they made it so you could do either of those things, weapons like Vulcan Claymore, Kinkobo, Melt or Hushed Dagger, hell even those high level weapons that cast Stone I would at least have some value that could be retainable after they've been used. Since you can't AH used enchanted weapons though it's very very seldom (read: basically never) worth the effort.
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