Aht Urhgan Mission 22: Shield of Diplomacy


Delited :(
Head to Navukgo Execution Chamber, enter from D-8 on Mount Zhayolm map.
When you zone in, you will receive the 1st cutscene.
Go down and examine the Decorative Bronze Gate for the 2nd cutscene.
When your party is ready, buff up, then enter the Battle Area.
No level limit, 6 member limit (Karababa will join in and spam Ancient Magic II).
Karababa doesn't appear to need to be kept alive, and will warp out if she is down to 35%HP.
She also sometimes appears to intimidate the mob, with "The khimaira's breathing has grown ragged" displayed.
The mob is a Chimera-type mob named Khimaira 13, with approximately 30,000 HP. Uses specials:
  • Dreadstorm - AoE dmg (200-300) + terrorize, strips Utsusemi
  • Tenebrous Mist - AoE Reset TP to 0%
  • Thunderstrike - AoE ~300 dmg + Stun, ignores Utsusemi
  • Tourbillion - AoE damage + Knockback, strips Utsusemi
Defeating the mob will put you into another cutscene.

Any one know if this can be solod? <.<
I'd say that you'd need shadows to do it... like NIN/WHM or RDM/NIN. It hits pretty damn hard at first, then his damage goes down as the fight progresses (when his breathing becomes ragged, etc). After a while, he regains his strength and hits like a truck again. Since this is going to be a drawn out fight solo, you're going to have to deal with a lot 200+ damage hits.

Problem is, he has a lot of moves that go through or strip Utsusemi, so /NIN doesn't really help much either. It'd be a tough fight either way, but I'm pretty sure it's been done.
I have seen a video of a pup/nin and a whm duoing it. I think the pup tried solo and couldn't stay alive quite long enough, but otherwise it wasn't supposed to be too bad. I certainly agree about shadows though. I went as whm with pld sam blm rdm, and I had to cure a ton. The pld wasn't too bad, but when the sam pulled hate, well... the new sam JAs helped but I still had a lot of hp to cure.

I also had a certain Taru NPC yelling at myself and the rdm to cure her. That was by far the funniest thing I've seen in a BC fight. ^_^
Solod it as :bravo:SMN :cheerleader:

Did the good old Aquarius metod no BP just mindless summoning of Fenrir and 4 Yagodo drinks. It was darks day so my fenrir was free with the drinks. Took me a while lol. It killd Fenrir fast but it hitt fenrir just as much as Fenrir hitt it. Just make sure if ur doing this as SMN to not use any BP and runn like hell so u have time to resummon and only cast Blink when ur so far from the boss that u cant see ur pets HP. That way u wont get hate.

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