Age of Conan & Warhammer Online

So, I've been playing AoC Beta for one day now and so far I have little good to say about it. :o

I just hope that the Open beta being hosted by IGN/Fileplanet is not an accurate representation of the game when it comes out on May 20th.

P.S. - Don't cancel your pre-order yet Benny & Falk, lol.
I just had one of those pinecone shits, fucking scraped my ass all the way out. Im trying to figure out what I ate to make it like that, maybe the glass shards.
u fucking carebear

Damn right. If I want to PvP i'll pick up an FPS.

Aluciont So, I've been playing AoC Beta for one day now and so far I have little good to say about it. :o

I just hope that the Open beta being hosted by IGN/Fileplanet is not an accurate representation of the game when it comes out on May 20th.

P.S. - Don't cancel your pre-order yet Benny & Falk, lol.

There isn't much good to say about the beta you're in because it's an old client that they're using to stress test. Once the game is released (or downloaded if you pre-ordered) I think things will improve to a degree. Naturally you're gonna have bugs/lag for the first couple months. Either way I'll give it a try as I'll do with Stargate Worlds and SE's Rapture.
After much reading and lurking in the AoC Forums, I was finally able to fix the random FPS problems.

Hopefully it'll be much better when the retail version comes out since they are using an older build of the game with debuggers running in the background for the Open Beta. Though they should've warned the 50,000 Open Beta testers about this tiny bit of information but I suppose "bad publicity is still good publicity".

Here are some pictures inside the game since the NDA has been lifted when Open Beta started.

Sojourn would love this picture of my sexy character. Should I take away more of his armor Soj? :o

I found Benny.

Demonologist's Pet?

Age of Conan Tech Tree.

Terrain details.

P.S. - I like the fact that they show even the tiniest detail of an equipment, even the rust of the sword or the stitches of the armors etc.
You WOULD choose to strip down a male lucy you insufferable faggot. That game would melt my laptop, but it looks nice.
Heads up, your awesome PC doesn't make the game any less shitty. It just lets you play shit smoothly.

IDK, shit plays pretty smooth on this:

  • CASE: Apevia X-Supra Gaming Mid-Tower 420W Case (G Type Blue Color with Side-Window)
  • EXTRA FANS: Extra Case Cooling Fan [+3]
  • CPU: AMD Athlonâ„¢ X2 5000+ Black Edition Dual-Core CPU w/ HyperTransport Technology
  • CD1: LG Black 16X DVD+R 8X DVD+RW 4X DVD+R DL 16X DVD-R 6X DVD-RW 16X DVD-ROM 40X CD-R 24X CD-RW 40X CD-ROM 4MB Cache SATA Super Multi Blu-ray Disc Burner & HD DVD-ROM Drive
  • FAN: CoolerMaster Liquid CPU Cooling System (Superior Cooling Performance + Extreme Silent at 20dBA)
  • HDD: Single Hard Drive (500GB SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 16MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
  • HDD2: Single Hard Drive (180GB SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 8MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
  • KEYBOARD & MOUSE: Cordless Desktop® MXâ„¢ 5500 Revolution
  • MOTHERBOARD: Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe nForce 570 SLI MCP Chipset DDR2/800 MBoard w/ Dual PCI-Express
  • RAM: CORSAIR XMS2 DHX 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel
  • NETWORK: Intel Pro Gigabite 10/100/1000 Network Card
  • PRO_WIRING: Professional Wiring for All WIRINGs Inside The System Chasis with High Performance Thermal Compound on CPU
  • POWERSUPPLY: 700 Watts Power Supplies (CoolerMaster Unit 700 Watts eXtreme Power - SLI Supports)
  • VIDEO: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 1GB 16X PCI Express
  • VIDEO2: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 1GB 16X PCI Express
  • WNC: PCI Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Interface Card
  • OS: Windows XP Home
  • SPEAKERS: Black Creative GigaWorks S750 THX Certified 7.1 Speaker System, w/ Titanium Super Tweeter
  • MONITOR: Philips 42" LCD HDTV 1080p resolution 4 HDMI inputs HD Tuner 5ms response time Dolby Digital Audio Pixel Plus 3 HD engine
Dear Age of Conan beta tester

We hope you are merrily chopping off Pict heads in the Age of Conan Open Beta, and that your journey in Hyboria has been a memorable one so far. You have only seen the beginning though, as we prepare an EPIC ending to your Open Beta experience.

On the 10th of May we are transforming the entire Open Beta into PvP MAYHEM, while at the same time giving you access to all which Hyboria as to offer! That is right, as we take down our servers for a short period we are at the same time changing the entire server rule-set to Free For All PvP carnage! Your servers will ALL become PvP! Participate if you dare, or make a new character and stay in the safety of Tortage!


All servers become PvP servers. You can kill each other, no level restrictions on killing or getting killed, but you cannot PvP in the major cities.
All level 13 characters becomes level 20. Their inventory is wiped, but they have tons of money and really nice equipment suitable for level 20's.

You have access to ALL zones and ALL levels after level 20!

You will be zoned to your Race's Hub (Cimmerians, Conarch Village, Aquilonians, Old Tarantia and Stygians, Khemi)

This means bye bye Tortage! Welcome Hyboria at large, and what a blast you will have. It all starts at level 20, and then it's up to you, but you can be sure your fellow players will do their best to stop you!

We will get back with detailed information on the exact time it starts on the official Open Beta forums at IGN, as well as on the Age of Conan forums and community site.

You may ask, why skip levels 14-20? The reason is simple - the story. We take it seriously, and we would like for you to experience it at launch.

We urge you to join us for some epic PvP mayhem on the 10th of May, and we hope you will leave Hyboria with a bloodied smile on your face.

Heads will roll!

The Age of Conan development team

Just got this today and they are letting us experience the majority of the game features, maps, cities etc. Before we were only limited to one city(starting city called Tortage).
After combating errors and glitches and various other problems, I actually got to play. The graphics on max settings are nothing short of GORGEOUS and are still a par over most on average settings.

I would describe the game as a mix between WoW and KOTOR, with more resemblance to the latter than the former, which works surprisingly well for an MMO. Cutscenes and quests have voice dialog and multiple choice responses and variations throughout the conversations.

Combat is actually innovative, fun, and challenging. You hotkey your attacks, which have nothing to do with locking on and sitting there. There are 3 basic attacks, left swing, right swing, up swing, and they vary in style and animation by weapon and combat stance. Beyond these 3 basic attacks comes combos. Combos use stamina (usually) and must be chain linked to other attacks. For example a simple combo would be: Combo Hot Key > Up swing = combo. A small box with a prompt for the order of the combo buttons will appear during a combo, and unless you complete all of the actions the combo will not initiate. They can get more complex as your character progresses, and the character customization as you level up also adds some variation to this. (I've been playing a Dark Templar, Assassin, and Demonologist) Blocking can be performed in much the same way, with raising your shield to the right, left, or above you. (if you have one)

The game has a lot of problems, but I've seen much worse betas (both FFXI and WoW come to mind. also /shudder Vanguard) and seems VERY promising. Besides, nothing cheers you up after a long day of work like slaughtering masses of bushmen with your nipples showing. Mmm topless slaughter..