Adjustments and Additions to Fellows (02/26/2008)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:
Adjustments and additions to fellows have been scheduled for the next version update.

Some of these changes are as follows:


- Magic and other abilities you use on party members will now also benefit the fellow you summoned.

- Fellows will be able to use a greater variety of equipment.

- Fellows will no longer use the following weapon skills:
Spinning Attack, Cyclone, Circle Blade, Shockwave, Spinning Scythe, Earth Crusher.
I hope there are more changes than that... since they said *some*!

Equipment +
Spells/Abilities +
W/S +/-

Needs more.
meh... so far all these "Here's what we're going to do in the next update" sound pretty useless to me.

No expansion of merit categories... specifically the general ones like weapon skills, HP/MP, magic skills etc...

No real fix of not being magic locked when going to say... attack/engage/performing action when someone else is casting magic on you.

pup/cor/blu AF2?
Nice, but they need to up the level cap and add more story.

As for magic lock i remember reading they intended that to happen so i doubt they will fix it.
They better start releasing the good "job improvement" teasers. The update should be in 2 weeks, so they're running out of time. :p
I don't think they'll ever up the level cap. In reality, it'd screw with all kinds of stuff for game balance with what you can do on subjobs.

Random question: Do the newer jobs really need relic? I mean... in my mind, relic was made to fix the mistakes in the original AF. I mean, they had no clue what many jobs did. Healer's Mitts STR+5? Excuse me while I laugh my ass off as I melee a mob on WHM. Evoker's Feet having AGI+5? We've got so little defense... the eva boost from 5 AGI is also laughable. Or Avater Enmity-? You can just dismiss so... why would you ever want that? In fact, enmity- has gotten me killed several times, so if anything I adore the avatar enmity+ from YY Robe.

I think their new approach to waiting a few months before releasing AF, while it sucks for us, I think they do it to buy time to see how the jobs really play out, and make some halfway decent AF accordingly. Or if not decent, at least not retarded AF (though I still wonder about the INT on the COR legs. Do COR actually need it at all?). Do the TAU jobs really require a relic?

So glad NPC buddies won't do AoE WS anymore. Hate it!

Though if they really want to make an improvement, roll back needing <t><t></t></t>&lt;t&gt; on<t><t> every goddamn thing. That bug where I could just F-whatever, type a spell, and it worked; I LOVED it. I hate typing people's god awfully long names, or </t></t>&lt;pwhatever&gt;
<t><t> or </t></t>&lt;t&gt;<t><t><t>. It wastes time.

ROLL IT BACK! I WANT MY UNTYPED TARGETING. Cujo, Spit, Redd, Ehon, Lexa, and Omar are usually the first ones in my parties to get heals/buffs. Why? Cause their names are freakin easy to type! I'm sorry Yelsawhatyourface, Spundiddlydee and Fayesomethingorother, but for length of typing, automatically lower priority. Not having to type it at all would make all players equal!</t></t></t>
Healer's Mitts STR+5? Excuse me while I laugh my ass off as I melee a mob on WHM.<t><t><t></t></t></t>



I kid, I kid. I agree they'll never raise the level cap, and I don't think they should, either. This update sounds like complete BS, though. They're just trying to stall us and draw attention away from the fact that they haven't yet given us that big update they promised, and the suck that was the AV video. Sure, it's nice that NPCs will no longer use their AoE WSs, but honestly - come on!

PS. Win for those of us with short names! ^_^/
I think the level cap they were talking about was for the Fellow NPCs, not for normal characters. Would be nice to bump them up a few levels, even if it wasn't all the way to 75.

As for AF2 on newer jobs, I'd love to see it but I won't complain too loudly if they don't add it. But what they absolutely need is better equipment options at high levels. Assault equipment is one thing, but there needs to be good equipment that are more easily obtainable than Salvage/Einherjar (and maybe Nyzul). It doesn't have to be "AF2", just *something*.
You have to remember that when the first AF was added, it was at a time when leveling a job took so freaking long that each player really only had the time to have 1 high level job. And in that case, the AF was there to add something to the job to make it more versatile.

For example, those with WHM as their one job past level 50 would like to be able to farm just like any other job, and the str, agi, and spell interruption down from AF helped make that possible. I usually looked at AF as a set that was custom-tuned to the job to help it solo better, anyway.

The update's sounding pretty good to me so far. They usually don't hint at the big stuff until a few days before the update anyway. And Accomplice and Repose were never even mentioned until the last update happened.
I think the level cap they were talking about was for the Fellow NPCs, not for normal characters. Would be nice to bump them up a few levels, even if it wasn't all the way to 75.

Thank you. I was hoping I wasn't the only one that caught that in Def's post.

Zeri, plenty of WHM melee. That's why there are things like Perdu Wands, Reverend Mail and NM Pirate clubs in the game. WHM Hexa burns in KRT used to be fairly common.

I don't understand why there's so much hate on the <t> thing with WHM spells. Is that really an issue for people? I've always used /ma "cure" <t> in my macros and been just fine with it. What method were people using before that they can't use now?

As far as the update, yay for no AOE anymore. I loved doing research before every weapon upgrade to make sure my new gift to my NPC wasn't going to get my ass killed later. Now I can just pick the next one based on what I want to see them use.
I don't understand why there's so much hate on the <t> thing with WHM spells. Is that really an issue for people? I've always used /ma "cure" <t> in my macros and been just fine with it. What method were people using before that they can't use now.

It's for those of us who type spells. Yes I have macros, but I don't macro EVERYTHING. This applies to magic in general, not just white. It was black magic too.

For example:
Old way:
Hit F8, type /ma "Stone II"
This does not work anymore.

New way:
Hit F8, type /ma "Stone II" </t></t>&lt;t&gt;

You already have the mob targeted, so why do you have to bother with the freakin &lt;t&gt;? It's really just a waste of time.

For white mage, it can actually be deadly. Using myself as an example, I have paralyna, stona, silena, and erase macrod. I don't have Cursna macrod. Say someone gets Doom on them. (random tip: You don't need quotes around single word spells. And case insensitive)

Old way:
Hit F2-6 to target them.
/ma cursna

New way1:
Hit F2-6 to target them.
/ma cursna &lt;t&gt;

New way2:
/ma curnsa &lt;p1-5&gt;

Other way:
/ma cursna eticket

Both of the newer fashions just slow down what you used to have. And because I personally find I typo my &lt; and &gt; all the time, hitting accidentally not hitting shift and making , or . instead, I'm more inclined to type the person's name out. I can get out a /ma cursna eticket faster than /ma cursna &lt;anythinginfreakinbrackets&gt;

Either way, it's slowed you down so only get 1 or 2 cursnas off before you die of doom. Before could get 3 if you were damn good. So either you have to macro EVERYTHING, even things you rarely use which will slow you down as well finding the macro (defeating the purpose of it), or you're better off bringing holy water.

But that's just an example. This finds ways to piss me off on any job that has magic, rest assured.
I guess that's just play style then. I never type anything. It's either all macroed or I just go through the menus. I typically have a couple spells lined up already if I know I'll need them fast.
I guess that's just play style then. I never type anything. It's either all macroed or I just go through the menus. I typically have a couple spells lined up already if I know I'll need them fast.

and computer difficulties! For whatever reason, macros lag sometimes like a bitch. At least on my computer. Whereas I type almost 90wpm, so if my macros are lagging, typing becomes superior.

Case in point: When I died on DNC on Saturday. None of my macros for utsusemi or healing myself were responding. By the time I opened up the menu, was too late, kitteh go dead.
The up the level cap and add more story was for the NPC's since this is what the topic is about =p I doubt they will ever up the cap for our jobs =o They stopped update for NPC back when TOAU was released :\

The -enmity is useful on smn avatars for certain fights, especially stuff you don't want to get in front off and at the same time not turn the mob.
I type a LOT of spells, mostly -na stuff but also like Cure1 to wake people up... it comes up useful a lot. And the change they made is really annoying to me. It's not like it killed my playstyle but you definitely get Paralyna from me slower because of it.

Getting a Paralyna from a BLM is awesome. Better then not getting it at all xD