Adjustment and Additions to Fellows (05/15/2008)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:
Adjustments and additions to fellows have been scheduled for the next version update. Here is a preview of some of the items currently under development.

- A new limit break quest will be added, making it possible to increase your adventuring fellow's level cap to 70. There are currently no plans to increase the level cap to 75. However, the possibility will be considered should the need arise.

- Extra fellow personalities will be added.

- It will become possible to summon fellows in certain areas of past Vana'diel. Please note, though, that fellows cannot be summoned while marked with an Allied Tag.

- Extra fellow personalities will be added.
So, what? Is it like the 7 Dwarves when selecting a fellow?
Please select a fellow personality:

  • Happy :bfg:
  • Sojourn :badshape:
  • Emo :weeping01
  • Grumpy :arg:
  • Dopey :google:
Some of those may be repetitive...

On a more serious note, the level upgrades are a bit more motivation to work on the Fellows; I've kept away from it since I didn't see a lot of value at 75 as the poor little things get trounced on. If they're going to be level 70 now, at least they could hit higher end mobs.
I still wish you could take them to ToAU areas.... Killing spiders would level them up nicely.
So, what? Is it like the 7 Dwarves when selecting a fellow?
Please select a fellow personality:

  • Happy :bfg:
  • Sojourn :badshape:
  • Emo :weeping01
  • Grumpy :arg:
  • Dopey :google:
Some of those may be repetitive...

On a more serious note, the level upgrades are a bit more motivation to work on the Fellows; I've kept away from it since I didn't see a lot of value at 75 as the poor little things get trounced on. If they're going to be level 70 now, at least they could hit higher end mobs.

loooooooooooooool, im glad you still think about me <3
Well thiefs solo just as well :D Go to castle zvhal baileys like ive seen a lot of people do and just solo the Demons there
Sojourn said:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px inset ;" class="alt2"> Originally Posted by Tarnak
Aren't you a retard nekio? That wont be hard lol
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


I don't get it.


P.S. Soloing (duoing?) mobs with the NPC isn't a problem, it just takes for-fucking-ever. To get full xp on the mobs you're killing for 69->70, you need to be fighting EM+ enemies. I'd like to see you essentially solo (the NPC doesn't do shit towards dmg) 30 EM+ mobs in 90 minutes. It may be possible in the WoTG areas, but it certainly isn't easy in the RoZ/CoP areas.
I was thinking BST in Boya or Bibiki? I dunno jack about THF but I know what BST can do :).

Pretty much the same as a bst but probably a tad faster benny :D And considering i can solo T-VT nekio *shrugs* its not about how many mobs in such time its about leveling the npc in the end which overall will happen when it happens
I used to duo with a friend to level our NPCs. Smn + thf is an amazing farming combo that I think people overlook. EP are a huge sweet spot for smn 70 BPs, thf keeps hate while the smn rests (negating the big downside of those BPs), plus you have the normal thf damage and TH. We went through mobs easily, and the NPCs leveled steadily.

The only problem with the plan was that the thf was getting jealous of the BP damage. :p
Heh no need for them to Vardy :D they should just be happy they arent soloing without a snowballs chance in hell of cures. plus faster mob dies = awesome

Also awesome Avatar vardy :D