Add of a ''Mute Button/Setting'' on Chatbox.

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We all know we can't avoid finding a toxic player anywere.

the only option on duty is to be really lucky and have 4 or 8 players always to go with you, so you can't depend on luck about that.

But, sometimes, you will need to do Roulletes without your friends, or even a MSQ DG (since trust system is still not on for the entire content of the game)

FFXIV is more than 10 years old, and i still don't know why the game don't have a simple ''mute player'' option.

Oh, but if you spot a player being toxic or a true douchebag with you, you can always report to a GM and they will speak with him.

Well, yeah, true, but hey, does that mean i need to be offended first or deal with someone harrassing me or being offensive for a entire Duty?

we have duty with 30+ minutes more, like alliance raids, per example.

recently, i encountered a really douche player, i was doing Sigmascape 4 with a bunch of new friends how never did the battle.

they knew i alredy know the full battle mechanics in my head, but they asked me to not explain, so they can learn in the way the game wanted to players to know, paying attention to hints in the game screen.

yet, we had a player explaining the mechs, and even pulling my friends to the ''correct spot'' just cuz ''i'm on roulette, so screw if someone don't want to know the mechs, i want this to end fast so i'm gonna make sure everyone's playing the fastest way.''

Everyone wants to play this game and don't ''lose time'' since we all know, time is the most precious thing we have on life.

but i don't think any person can force others to make things the way he wants.

so, i wrote ''don't tell mechs, new players here''

and he just straight up offended me.

what options i had:

1 - offend him back (bad option, a gm can reach you for bad behaviour)
2 - Just on purpose wipe until he leave (my friends don't wanted so yeah, no.)
3 - leave the duty and face a punish for that (cuz forcing you to deal with toxic players is good)

seeing you can't ''CUT'' toxic players on the act, i asked myself, why we still DONT HAVE a Mute button?

we have Blacklist, he have Block, but we don't have Mute?

i mean, why? i would love a GM or a Staff member explaining me the reason.

a lot of other game's alredy have that type of thing, i don't see why i can't just deny toxic players to send me any message.

just allowing players to do that, would for sure give us more options, and since GMS don't take screenshots as evidence, and have the entire chatlogs to analise when someone behave incorrectly, i don't see a reason to don't allow us to auto-preserve us.

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