This is the story that just happened to me, of how the lack of information in ff14 paid off for once.
So i knew how the treasure maps worked. You go where the x marks the spot. Fight a bunch of monsters, get loot. I thought of it as a chore, so always sold my maps. But this time, my 100k worth treasure map went down in price to 50k on my server, so i decided to give it a try, blindfolded.
I registered in the group finder, with a warning that i knew nothing about treasure hunts, and here come these 3 guys, and they were so nice ! they didn't mind at all with my pestering questions, and i have a lot of those. I had no idea about these portals that pop during treasure hunts, so i was pleased to see one of these pop. Reminded me of those goblin portals from Diablo 3 !
We get kicked in the second room, but my default expectations are set on low, so i'm not disappointed. I got a quick adventure with a bunch of strangers, got some loot, i'm prepared to leave. When suddenly, they reveal to me that you can do those treasure hunts undefinitely as long as you have maps ! Oh joy ! Every party member has brought his own !
I thought i'd share my treasure map to everyone, when in fact everyone is sharing their own to me ! I'm moved. And excited ! I get 3 more tries at those treasure rooms ! We go everywhere in the First looking for treasure !
We're the perfect amount of people for this, this never happened to me before are you kidding me this is AWESOME
We get a couple more portals, then, we use our last map and get no portal. Ah, well. It was fun to do something different. Turns, out - and i don't know how this is possible cuz these maps are unique - one of our members have a second map to use !! We excitedly hurry to the treasure spot and a portal pops up !! First door opens... second door locks... then opens again !! You can get trolled by these doors ?! WTF
third door opens, the final door locks... then locks for good... THEN UNLOCKS YOU CAN GET DOUBLE TROLLED SQUARE ENIX YOU SLY DOGS
Final room. It's a boss. No one's ever done this, i sweat bullets. If i die, i'm gonna fuck up everything, everybody is so nice and they put up with me not knowing anything, i can't die here !! We fight with all our might and WIN !!
It's the fuckin jackpot and we win... 100k gils. Well, with everything we've earned in the previous rooms, we must have won something like 150k in total. That's better than the 50k i'd have gotten selling it on the AH, so everything went better than expected. Still, i had my hopes up what with the 1/32 chances to get to the final room.
Then someone brings the concept of sharing. We got a piece of leather and a log in some of the chests, but i don't know what profession needs those and what item needs it to be crafted. i dont' have a crafter level 80 yet anyway, so i say i'm good. But someone points out they are quite expensive. I quickly check the auction house.
The single piece of leather is worth 1.9 million gils. The log is worth 2.8 million gils.
i'm quite stunned. Turns out these are used to make a mount, the magic bed. And they can't be found anywhere else. Well, too bad. In my book, you shouldn't roll need on a crafting item that is used for gear, but mounts are fair game. Whatever, i'm not gonna force them to roll again or something. But the tank asks that we meet in limsa lominsa.
So we're a bunch of adventurers meeting in a corner of the capital city discussing about loot we just acquired from our previous mission ? THIS IS SO COOL
He proposes that we evenly spread the loot so nobody comes out empty handed. But how do we spread 2 crafting pieces between 4 party members ? What ends up happening is that I, and the other party member who didnt' get any loot, got 1.25 mil gils each from those who did. So when they sell them, everybody comes out even ! It was some Ghandi Theresa Jesus power move. i didn't expect anything, they could have just left the party and i would have been none the wiser.
When i first registered, i expected to earn between 0 and 100k gils max, and i had no idea what was going to happen. It was wonder i felt today. Something i so rarely feel, when you don't know what comes next. I will cherish these screenshots. I added all the party members to my friends list, and even though nothing may come of it, i know that this day, was a good day.
submitted by /u/Kaporalhart
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