a way to help new people through their questcontent

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something that comes up often are the waiting times for instanced group content. thats bad no matter why you wanna do something, but its especially bad if you have a quest you need that content for. so you cant continue the quest line.

what if there is a way to let people join specifically into queues for people who have a quest open for the content they queue currently.
so if i sign up there i get ALWAYS into a group with a player who needs that content for a quest

sure there are the roulettes but that doesnt seem to be enough to fill the groups.
wait.... if i wanna help people i could just join mentor roulette?
yeah no... signing up for mentor roulette only to get castrum with a group full of high lvl players feels just so pointless.

the mentor system is flawed. we should be able to help specifically new players at their story progress

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