"a Unexpected Error Has Occurred. Exiting Final Fantasy Xiv.(6d)" Error

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I know this has been reported before but that thread is closed an SE never gave any information about what causes it or how to fix it, the player with the error had to resort to running the game through Gforce Experience which is clearly not a sensible long-term solution.

So now this error has hit me!

Last time I logged in was 3 days ago, since then my PC has had no updates of any kind yet now I'm getting a 6D, s will someone from SE explain clearly WHAT this error means.

Obviously a programmer in the bowels of SE development wrote a line of code which displayed this error so must know where it comes from and have some idea what caused it. Without knowing this and given previous people's experiencing a total re-install doesn't fix it it's impossible to know what I can do.

BTW, I don't play through Steam so that's not an issue. My Nvidia driver hasn't been updated for many months during which FFXIV has played just fine, so it's nothing to do with my video system.

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