6.0 Summoner Ideas

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I’m a summoner main and recently I went back and did some of the Alexander raids. He’s always been a personal favorite summon of mine and I feel like it’s a shame we haven’t gotten to utilize him in some way so I’ve got a proposal and I’m curious to know what others think.

Get rid of dreadwyrm trance or combine it with summoning bahamut(much like phoenix) and let that be the big dps part of the rotation. Then summon Phoenix which adds Everlasting Flight as a healing buff. After that, summon Alexander to grant the party haste or cast slow on nearby enemies since Alex is associated with time in ffxiv.

I think this would be a great way to incorporate a fan favorite summon into the summoners toolbag of tricks. We’d have something that looks epic and adds raid utility without being ridiculously overpowered.

It would be ideal if we could have a way to cycle through them at will to buff the party or deal more damage depending on the circumstances. Perhaps have the Egis tied to which Demi summon is available.

Ifrit=bahamut for big dps.
Titan=Alexander for buffs
Garuda=Phoenix because they’re both basically birds lol.

Just an idea. Whatcha think?

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