1.5.0 Question.

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I don't have any plans for that at the moment unfortunately.
Regarding not talking to you about the parser, maybe you should have some sort of simple "secret key word" that people can communicate with you.
they can always just visit the forums and post a message or send me a PM :)
Got a new question, what happens when you dual box two characters?

I just did a manaburn on Lylie while dual boxing my friends character BLM, both having "Attack by party" filter off (so both see the damages) and the damages were being taken from one of the game (or it would have doubled the total damage on parser I guess?), not sure which. So if you have both characters doing different stuff (say one is doing Assault, one manaburn) and you want to parse one of them, how do you do to parse one and not the other? Not sure if you see what I mean...
Yea I know about this issue. Right now it picks one randomly. Best thing to do is start the parser before you start the second instance of FFXI, because if both instances are running before you start the parser, you get one at random.
The one from yesterday? I doubt it, although it's possible. I haven't tried. If it doesn't work after an update though, it probably did.
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