This is a feature that anyone who likes glamour, or has been playing since 2.0 as I have, have wanted for a very VERY long time. I'm so happy that it's come out. But then I saw the caveat that we lose our dyes which is ridiculous imo.
Special dyes such as jet black and pure white used to be more common back before shadowbringers era but you guys nerfed the quick exploration acquisition rates of the dyes which is why they're so expensive compared to back then. A lot of people including myself don't wanna deal with the gambling RNG and just bought dyes from the mog station to circumvent the new terrible RNG rates, and now for people like myself or other people really into glamour you're asking us to lose so many pure whites, and jet blacks that we've accumulated over the years to get better inventory management?
This actually sucks and puts such a huge damper on such an anticipated feature. It's a really greedy move and it's anticonsumer. I would really like to advocate for SE to let dyes remain on said pieces. People shouldn't be punished for supporting a company they like with money for dyes for said company to turn around and give the ones who have been buying said dyes the middle finger pretty much. That or at least revert the quick exploration pure white and jet black aquisition rate nerf that you guys implemented such a long time ago. Or if you really wanted to support your customers if you lose said dyes on a piece when turning them into an outfit glamour ready thing, get a refund of whatever was dyed on the pieces so you technically lose nothing. Whatever dyes was on said pieces would go straight back to your inventory assuming you had enough space. That would be such an amazing feature, but nope. We don't even get that...
It really just feels like a cash grab to get people to purchase more dyes and it leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
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Special dyes such as jet black and pure white used to be more common back before shadowbringers era but you guys nerfed the quick exploration acquisition rates of the dyes which is why they're so expensive compared to back then. A lot of people including myself don't wanna deal with the gambling RNG and just bought dyes from the mog station to circumvent the new terrible RNG rates, and now for people like myself or other people really into glamour you're asking us to lose so many pure whites, and jet blacks that we've accumulated over the years to get better inventory management?
This actually sucks and puts such a huge damper on such an anticipated feature. It's a really greedy move and it's anticonsumer. I would really like to advocate for SE to let dyes remain on said pieces. People shouldn't be punished for supporting a company they like with money for dyes for said company to turn around and give the ones who have been buying said dyes the middle finger pretty much. That or at least revert the quick exploration pure white and jet black aquisition rate nerf that you guys implemented such a long time ago. Or if you really wanted to support your customers if you lose said dyes on a piece when turning them into an outfit glamour ready thing, get a refund of whatever was dyed on the pieces so you technically lose nothing. Whatever dyes was on said pieces would go straight back to your inventory assuming you had enough space. That would be such an amazing feature, but nope. We don't even get that...
It really just feels like a cash grab to get people to purchase more dyes and it leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
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