it doesnt matter that your LV 100 in everything.
it doesnt matter that you have the mentor role
if you go out of your way to force bigger pulls just cause your impatient you are annoying
if you want wall pulls then either just ask lie a decent person or be tank yourself
on a completely unrelated and more positive note, finished EW two days ago! soo good and now i wait for the third peep of my group to catch up so we can all go into DT together!
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it doesnt matter that you have the mentor role
if you go out of your way to force bigger pulls just cause your impatient you are annoying
if you want wall pulls then either just ask lie a decent person or be tank yourself
on a completely unrelated and more positive note, finished EW two days ago! soo good and now i wait for the third peep of my group to catch up so we can all go into DT together!
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