You Know What Be Fun For A Silly Primal Side-quest? A Primal Who Just Refuses To Fight The Wol

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We've had almost every kind of motivation and scenario for Primals one can have; angry, justified, insane, reluctant - even (temporary) allies. And so on.

But for one Primal at least, we should have one that gets summoned, is ready to go...then sees the WoL and is all "Oooooh hell nah bro. You're on your own on this one. I'mma head outta here and get some ice cream or something." because they're fully aware of the god-abuse machine the WoL is and the inevitable result of any Primal or Primal-esque being even slightly annoying the WoL is.

The entire rest of the quest is just us following their summoner/people around trying to figure out what is going on while the Primal just dicks around and loafs off because they know they ain't gonna get anything done with the WoL around.

submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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