WoW's player housing will have no FOMO and private housing wards

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Blizzard today announced some details of their upcoming player housing system that'll be made available to players in the next WoW expansion due to release in 2026.


As a part of our focus on wide adoption, we wanted to ensure that Housing is available to everyone. If you want a house, you can have a house. No exorbitant requirements or high purchase costs, no lotteries, and no onerous upkeep (and if your subscription lapses, don’t worry, your house doesn’t get repossessed!).

I sure wonder what game(s) they're referring to with this statement. ;)

That said, Square Enix should really be reworking their systems so everyone can have a house. Likewise, we shouldn't lose it if we decide to take a break.


  1. Public Neighborhoods, which the game servers are responsible for creating as needed and maintaining.
  2. Private Neighborhoods created by groups of friends or guilds to inhabit, progress, and customize together.

Private housing "wards" is a super cool idea, especially if it doesn't involve unsavoury tactics to actually get your guild (free company in XIV terms) and/or friends in the same "ward" together.

There's a few other details in the post including mentions that some housing items will be on the cash store plus the slow addition of new locations for neighbourhoods overtime. At first it'll just be two zones, one themed on the initial Human areas and the other on the Orc areas.

It otherwise reads like they're going to copy a lot of what FFXIV does for housing while also addressing some of the major sticking points that Square Enix are unlikely to address at this point. Although one would imagine the other major MMO indirectly calling out flawed game design is the catalyst to actually address the problem with tangible changes.


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