With Allied Seals Made More Relevant, I Really Feel Like Arr Hunts Need Changes.

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Thanks to the new BLU vendor, there's now more relevant things to spend allied seals on outside of aetheryte tickets and ventures. Said seals are actually more valuable then their "greater" equivalent of Centurio Seals now due to being able to buy grade VII/VIII materia with them.

However, while the BLU content gives a decent amount of allied seals, there's still way more to be obtained weekly from ARR hunts, even if you stay strictly on your own server.

Problem is said hunts are so weak now that even the S ranks can be killed in the matter of a few minutes by a single player. It's not so problematic for the A ranks that respawn every few hours, but when it comes to S ranks it can be an extremely stressful ordeal when someone who spawns them has no guarantees they'll even be able to reach them before they're killed.

This has been made worse by the increased prevalence of third party apps that can detect and immediately/automatically relay the location of a S rank both to the user and associated Discord servers.

The main thing I'd want is for the ARR S ranks to have some kind of dynamic scaling that prevents them being killed quickly in the presence of players who severely outlevel them while allowing level 50s to face them as originally intended. It could be through a buff that only triggers if a player of an excessive level is within range of them, making them into special FATEs that force level 50 sync, etc.

I'd also like for hunt scholars to specifically mention whether a given S rank is still on respawn or has an open spawn window for the sake of preventing ill-meaning and/or greedy players from monopolizing them by being the only ones to know the exact time of death and by extension when they'll be off respawn.

I know a lot of people are fine with them as is, but as someone who spends a significant amount of time actually spawning/locating/relaying my server's S ranks, it's gotten progressively more stressful as time has gone on due to having less and less time to actually find a spawned hunt before it gets picked off by some random players (Which has gotten still worse due to cross-world travel letting in trolls who thrive off of doing this simply to upset people).

I honestly feel like hunts in general could be expanded into a much more fulfilling and entertaining group activity, but for now, some measures to help ensure they at least stay a group activity to some degree would be nice, especially if they're going to remain as lucrative as they are.

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