Wings of the Goddess Interview


FC/Active Member

A lot of good info... specifically, new jobS (yes, that's right, plural) and the addition of over 30 new areas- in comparison, thats the size of the entire base FFXI (minus Zilart) in the expansion, as well as missions, new jobs, and whatever other goodies they add (Dynamis/Assault/Besieged-esque type events)

Edit: New jobs (Click at your own risk, kaka)
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:p You and everyone else.

Popular theory is bettin on Time Mage and Geomancer, with the possibiilty of Chemist. Would be nice to have another tankish style job, if only for making it a little easier to lvl up nowadays since most people have NIN and/or PLD levelled, but not sure how they'd pull it off.
Chocobo Knight
Hmm, when WotG was first announced, I think I predicted no new jobs. ^_^;;;; Nice to hear they are planning some though. I'm really curious how they'll pull off a new tank-type job.
sounds like they are gonna take the original FFXI map, and re-tool it with different stuff and mobs. Also sounds like Time Mage (however that is going to work, FFXI is my first FFXI) is a given for a job given the nature of the expansion. I'm thinking we'll get to see how the Crags were formed or something to that end.
Geomancer and Chocobo Knight would be sweet. I call dibs on Dancer!
Chemist would be nice, though I'd rather see that as a job trait for puppetmaster. It would be great to finally allow players to use potions and medicines on fellow party members.

At this point, Geomancer makes the most sense. There really isn't much left to add, aside from more hybrid jobs. Maybe a stealth-based pet job? Hmm... Assassin? I'd be all over that.
I really don't care what jobs they add, so long as BLU gets Grand Train. I realllyyyyy want to MB Grand Train.