Will This Be The Firs Expansion Without Dyeable Af Weapons?

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Like many, I was perplexed that the first step of the relic questline for Shadowbringers gave us a full version of the the initial relic instead of empower our level 80 AF job weapons like last time. Now that we're nearing the end of the expansion, we still haven't seen any avenue to upgrade these weapons or at least grant them the ability to be dyed.

So short of the last dungeon of the expac dropping dyeable copies for once or the relic questline ending with us receiving the same models as the AF gear, will this be the first expansion to not allow us some way of dyeing these weapons? I'd be a little disappointed, since all the AF weapons are all very good looking and having the first (and until EW, only) weapons for GNB and DNC not be dyeable would be a real shame.

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