Why Is The Xp Gain From Side Quests So Bad?

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So ive finally decided to get rid of all the annoying quest markers on my map by completeing my Side Quests. However I've just finished lakeland and Chrystarium and as a lvl 70, I managed to earn about 7-ish million XP. Thats about the same XP that I could get from running 1 leveling roulette. When i look at these quests, each at lvl 70 give you 230,000XP and it takes 12,449,000xp to lvl up.

So just using side quests, would take you roughly 54 quests.

Does anyone know why sidequests have such terrible rewards? Like whats the point in them? It seems like a really bad time investment to reward ratio. Is it purely for bonus lore and thats it? As i honestly feel more people would do these quests if it was a more viable way to lvl up alt jobs.

EDIT: also this is simply a question... it's not an attack on the game or Square. I'm not really sure whats happened to this particular reddit and the amount of toxic downvotes people get, just because someone asks a simple question. However it does get super tiring, being downvoted for asking a harmless and respectful question.

submitted by /u/At1en0
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