Why do people care about potency so much?

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I genuinely don’t get it. Picking a “meta” job only matters in like week 1 savage or ultimates. For 99% of instances it doesn’t matter what job you pick. How the job feels to play and how well the job is designed is way more important to me. I know some will claim jobs get locked of PF but I don’t think think that is an actual thing at all from my experience. If that does happen it’s probably just an isolated toxic group and the only reason they think they need to lock out jobs is because of the aforementioned discourse perpetuating the myth that “meta” jobs actually matter.

You can see this happening every new patch. People seem to discuss fell cleave gaining 100 potency way more than actual changes to gameplay or skill ceilings. Why is MCH this patch being treated like it got it around as bad as BLM? BLM’s situation is WAY worse than MCH having underperforming damage for the “leaderboards”. I do get that PHYS range having this much less damage than casters is silly but I’d much rather be a MCH main than a BLM main rn. In my opinion is MCH is one of the better designed jobs in DT currently. Not saying it’s perfect but it has legitimate execution needs, a lot to track compared to most jobs, and a relatively high skill ceiling. It feels a different to play than a lot of other DPS jobs. Things people crap on like flamethrower/the “weird AOE rotation” are things I actually like. I like having the AOE damage not feel like a diet version of the single target rotation and I like having abilities with a situational use case. I think the game could use more of that (I would personally make you able to move slowly though). I know some people still don’t like the post StB Version of the job but I think DT MCH is the best iteration of the reworked MCH so far.

I’m just worried with all of the waffling about potency and what’s “meta” that the devs will get the wrong idea and hit MCH with the lobotomy beam. All I’m asking is just to remember what’s actually important. Some extra potency doesn’t affect your gameplay experience nearly as much as general job design does. I’d play a weak job with j stressing gameplay over a strong job that’s braindead any day of the week.

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