Which Do You Think Leads To A Worse Experience?

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So I saw a post just a little while ago about how this person had better experiences with sprouts vs rage quitting "vet players" which got me wondering, what does the community think?

What do you all think cause a less fun experience? A sprout who causes wipes due to ignorance or unoptimization (like if a sprout healer can't keep up with wall to wall pulls from the tank) or a veteran who rage quits or refuses to adapt to a sprout party and just snidely says "get gud"?

Personally myself, I have had more sour tastes from the latter. The former can lead to some frustration but thsy tend to stick through it and we can slog through, but the latter has caused me to be legit PO'ed. The former I can rationalize as "we all started from somewhere" but I feel the with the latter they SHOULD know better.

Buts just me, what do you all think? Which leads to the least fun experience?

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submitted by /u/LibraProtocol
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