I always wonder. Do they play their own game? Do they have testers?
It all comes down to pressing the same piano loop ad nauseam, while dealing with the artificial lag/delay, whatever you wanna call it. No skill is impactful or fun to press on it's own like in other MMOs.
I'm not even talking about the fact that the mainstream raids, dungeons and bosses are also absolute trash tier design.
1-2-3 skill combos, that would have maybe been acceptable in the mid 90s, I press a button that does essentially nothing, to enable another button that does half of a thing, to then enable a third button that actually has an impact and a purpose. Wow.
GCD/OGCD just scrap this, it doesn't work and is a major contributor to the s... gameplay. Just do a fast GCD like WoW.
Skills that turn into other skills, mostly meaningless aoe potency bloat to add artificial complexity. Just no.
I really hope that 8.0 is gonna bring changes.
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It all comes down to pressing the same piano loop ad nauseam, while dealing with the artificial lag/delay, whatever you wanna call it. No skill is impactful or fun to press on it's own like in other MMOs.
I'm not even talking about the fact that the mainstream raids, dungeons and bosses are also absolute trash tier design.
1-2-3 skill combos, that would have maybe been acceptable in the mid 90s, I press a button that does essentially nothing, to enable another button that does half of a thing, to then enable a third button that actually has an impact and a purpose. Wow.
GCD/OGCD just scrap this, it doesn't work and is a major contributor to the s... gameplay. Just do a fast GCD like WoW.
Skills that turn into other skills, mostly meaningless aoe potency bloat to add artificial complexity. Just no.
I really hope that 8.0 is gonna bring changes.
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