What's going on with the animation lag?

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I've been getting so much animation lag in Jeuno and CoD where I haven't been getting much, if any, before. I just did a raid where it wasn't just the animation lag, the actual mechanics lagged going off. During the final boss of Jeuno during the 4 knockbacks i saw a bunch of my raid get knocked back, meanwhile there were about 8-10 people who didn't and just were left standing where the knockback marker was. And then all the knockbacks went off at once sending us all into space. I've already set all the animations to limited/none for my alliance and party as well as lowered my graphics settings but this still is happening. Which is odd because i can set them back to normal and go do, say Crystal Tower, and none of that happens even with everyone's animations on and my graphics set to maximum. What's going on here? Are these AR's just wrecking the netcode?

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