What the cat dragged in, Part 4 (Since its bound to happen...)


FC/Active Member
Well being as Neo has decided to post all the pictures from the previous Intution forum (kinda scared why he has them all saved in the first place >.>) I might as well post his next victim...

First person to guess who is who in this picture gets 398G from Aluciont...

NOTE: That arrow that Neo put in there...is wrong...or is it? =P

Well, up until the last couple weeks, the old http://intuition.datamachine.net forum had been up and back to life somehow, all pics intact with minor exceptions.

But really, Ekan, it is most definitely time we did solve the mystery of finding the real Ekan in the picture.

And I can't make you my next victim... I don't know which one you are! There'd be no guessing game, because I dunno the right answer. It'd just be, "Hey guys, here's Ekan! Somewhere! If you guess right we'll never know!"